The voice of The Unknow Soldier Ottawa

FREEDOM is what we died for Car ton bras sais porter l'épée il sais porter la croix

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

My Birthday October 05 Th

Not necessary to be a prophet of Doom with The Apocalypse The day I was born in 1942 ~Budy Massacre at Auschwitz sub-camp~ French-Jewish women beaten to death by prison guards God is very much aware of what is going on ARE YOU ?

Monday, May 6, 2024

A Prophetic Torch

My Name is DUMAS with an S ~ With Saviour ~ Our Lord God has prepared for this DAY BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF TIME "ISRAEL MY BRIDE "

Thursday, February 1, 2024

My Beginning and The World's END : Wrapping it up 1942-2024

Pluto was a Dog and a Planet and Plutonium became a conclusion for THE BIG BANG THEORY This may be found or never found somewhere in space in a Time Capsule [NEVER MIND a mere reflection of Artificial Intelligence] THE TRINITY TEST

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

As Predicted End Times and Israel

There is ONE GOD and he is THE WORD as stated In The BIBLE "READ THE SIGNS OF THE TIME"

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Jesus is coming back on The Clouds

My Bridge to Heaven is more than a prophetic Symbol (Sophar so Good )It is The fulfillment of The purpose of all Scripture We have ETERNAL LIFE Through Mary Jesus and Joseph and the time has arrived to chose LIFE or Death

Friday, June 16, 2023

Prophetic or visionary -Pray about it

It is against spiritualities we fight behind evey lie There lies a greater one PLUTONIUMOX seeks to expose THE TRUTH as JESUS brings it TO LIGHT PRAY DAILY AND ALWAYS Following Zaporizhzhia breach and Japan's dumping nuclear waste in the ocean expect ARMAGEDDON Prophetic Times are here for so it is written

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Lamb Of God

A Fleeting thought for the WOKE Generation -DO not be caught on The Wrong Side Of Christianity Believe Saint Jean Paul II Those who offer you The Easy Way are deceiving you Divine Mercy For The Sake Of Your Sorrowful Passion Have Mercy on us !

Thursday, March 30, 2023

where Satan hangs out

MARVELS OF THE UNIVERSE BBC ran a series of movies - PLANET EARTH as never before seen - and failed to give Glory TO GOD Scientists have been seeking THE GOD PARTICLE not only in Switzerand but in other locations such as Creighton Mines in Sudbury CANADA The SWITZERLAND OPERATION had THEIR GRAND OPENING WITH A SATANIC DANCE - THE TIME TO CELEBRATE THE GOD PARTICLE HAS ARRIVED and THE Y equation found by CERN is flawed and terminal same as BITCOIN and Logarhytms. THERE IS A GOD PARTICLE and IT IS HERE AND AVAILABLE AS DECLARED IN SCRIPTURES -HERE LIES THE THRUTH ABOUT THE Y EQUATION Y = MJJ = G The YIN YAN of it is time to chose heaven or hell for ETERNITY JESUS IS THE GOD PARTICLE and THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT BEHOLD THE REDEEMER OF MAN - GOD'S ONLY BEGOTTEN SON JESUS CHRIST Y = The crossroad -MARY -JESUS - JOSEPH = MY BRIDGE TO HEAVEN FOR ETERNITY in THE KINGDOM OF GOD With JESUS -GIVE ME FIVE - THE FIFTH FORCE is Truly linked to The God Particle "The Five Wounds Of Christ" Take this as your Illumimation and see THE LIGHT chose whilst you may.... WOKE GENERATION OF VIPERS But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Ask Turkey and Syria and Russia and Ukraine if there is a HELL !

And God So Made The World and For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life

Monday, November 21, 2022

Roseatom is not a pretty flower or picture

 Chances are that before Russia uses Satan Two they will self destruct along with Ukraine.

ZAPORIZHZHIA  will likely make Chernobyl seem like a mild event as it will take the lives of one third of The World's Population 

No one knows the time when the world will end however there is enough signs for humanity to get on their knees and beg God for Mercy .

When Russians are told that they will have plenary indulgences for Killing their brothers "unless they have been lobotomized " they should realize that the message is not from God our Father or from our Lord Jesus Christ  LET THERE BE PEACE ON EARTH


Bridge To Heaven  (Click Here)

Pray The Divine Merci CHAPLET  brought to us by sister Faustina
More Weapons will provide More Bodies. More Prayers will Provide Divine Mercy

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Divine Merci and Eternal Life

 ALL you need for Eternal Life is here  Chose LIFE or Death

Planet Earth

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Divine Mercy is a Powerful Gift Of Love

 End times has not been predicted forever by mankind  although it is considered as old news by many people and throughout many generations. Today you can skip Nostradamous and all Wizzards and Sootsayers -  It is on the Horizons and plainly seen by The Signs of The Time and Putin's actions from Russia with his Satan 2 Nuclear device and also by Opening The Bible and reading The Word of God. The motive here is not to instill fear but rather to extend an  array of Love and Mercy flowing out of The Heart of Jesus Christ The Lamb Of God our Saviour.  This is not about Understanding it is about Faith and The nature of your soul which is the spirit within you . This is about Life and Eternal Life and current events

Saturday, July 16, 2022


As A HEAVY DRINKER I can attest that a Last call means a last call ! As a born again Christian hooked on Tonic Water I can sound the alarm and blow the trumpet with my breath and not a breathelizer : Common sense should tell mankind what is before their eyes simply from logic. Regardless of that GOd Has his Logistics and The Days of Mercy are coming to an End Chose LIFE or Death

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Angle Y

The LARGEST VIOLATION EVER OBSERVED y=( +6.0 +0.6 +6.7) 54.8 -5.8-0.6 +4.3 The God Particle and angle Y do infact merge (M + J = J = HF + C)= Bridge Y beyond Science

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


Before our eyes and within our spirits we experience and see a WORLD In CAHOS on the verge of self desrtucting  in conflicts and the verge of war as never seen before.

I Appeal to you to take a good look and read carefully .You can listen to my words or ignore them

Simpily I am offering you insights from within my soul for you to accept or reject or just to reflect on them.

Listen to my story :

I am going on eighty years old : My wife passed away within a few weeks of being diagnosed with cancer.

I thanked God for his mercy had she lived one more day her leg would have burst and she would have suffered enormously.

I was not abandoned and left to be a lonely widower : I had a strange dream and my whole life was changed . The sixty ouncer of whisky every three days became a thing of the past.

I relocated to a new area where I acquired a ten acre piece of property which is a sanctuary where I fly the Appeal To Heaven flag.

You can Believe in God or reject himand regardless of your beliefs or views that does not change God's existence : The Bible is truly his living word. He created us to his image and likeness and gave us a soul.

Believe it or not : Planet Earth documentaries and movies produced by BBC show his creation as never before seen in history. God exists not because you create him or imagine him : God created you


The word forever commands that you give it a profound consideration . Forever means for ETERNITY

Christiany is Historical and Jesus was prophesised and born and died  and rose again.

You cannot have him you cannot chose him  unless The Father Draws You 

Faith is a Gift : You can say thank you or scrap it My message has been communicated : My blog Plutonium Mox (plutoniumox) came to being a whle back and until The Freedom |Convoy in Ottawa I did not realize its significance :The Covid Vaccine was invented using fetus' from human babies and 

I consider it to be a prelude to the Matk Of The Beast described in The Bible

Time is still on your side but not for long "God did say he would pour his spirit on all mankind in end times "

and so HE is 

Join me if you wish and become part of the body of Christ  for the asking  He is a Loving and Merciful God with open arms 

Our Father Who art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy Name - Thy Kingdom come- Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven- Give us this day our daily bread- forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us . Lead us not into temptation -Deliver us from evil - 

Thine is The power and The Glory for ever and ever  AMEN

Glory be To The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning  - is now and forever shal be 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Scientific Value

Scientific Value is a nuanced phrase in  philosophy and theology   
Researching  The God Particle maybe what will lead mankind to  Absolute Value

( FEAR FACTOR Plutonium remains radio active for  240,000 Years )

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The God Particle

The scientific community have discovered what is referred to as The Higg Boson- God Particle
Which is the particle credited with the quality of holding the universe together
This is the Result of experiments such as those of SNO and Cern  with the Large Hadron Collider
The one and only God cannot be scientificly disected as he transcends matter and exists in a dimension called FAITH.

There is a God in Mythology that has been given life. It is the god of the underworld  " PLUTO "
9 pounds of Plutonium dust spread into the atmosphere would extinguish all life on planet earth.
Plutonium is created from uranium in nuclear reactors it can be reactor-grade or weapons-grade

Nuclear Waste Mangement for the sustainability of the planet is equivalent to dropping nuclear bombs to provide space for housing complexes. There is no know method or proof to confirm that we can be immunized and isolated from the effects of nuclear waste. There is nothing to demonstrate that we have not progressed to far already and that the new waste produced everyday will be mangebale
for our generation of for future ones should we have a future